Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sometimes you need to come up for air...

So it's been a while....

Last month I was driving to Tyson's Corner in VA for a one day conference sponsored by Microsoft. I had a rental car, no XM radio, and I forgot my iPod. What was left was local radio and flipping the dial every 50 miles or so, sometimes being forced to listen to corporate playlists. The alternative was static.

I happened upon a rather good station somewhere in the DC area as I drew close and caught this song. It was dark and rainy and I was in a mood and the backbeat was in time with the windshield wipers. The BB King sample was kind of cool and worked really well.

When I got to my hotel I was able to Google some of the lyrics was able to find it on YouTube.

Lately my XM has been stuck on one 'channel', usually 6. Sometimes you need to turn off the national services and go local to find some color out there. As long as the playlist isn't corporate...

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